Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Guavar Beans Patoli

This is one of my favorite dishes that my mother used to make. She used to make this specifically with Guavar beans, but after coming to US, I noticed that we don't get those very often here. This will taste good with normal beans or capsicum also.

Here's the recipe:

Guavar beans - 1/2 lb

For the patoli mixture:

gramdal(senagapappu) - 1/2 cup

dry red chilli - 10-12 (Please reduce the count if you are not a spicy person like me)

Jeera (cumin) - 1 tsp

For Tadaka (popu or tiragamata):

Urad dal (Minappappu) - 1tsp

Mustard seeds (Aavalu) - 1 tsp

Jeera - 1/2 tsp

oil - 2 tsp

curry leaves - 5-6


First boil beans with a pinch of salt or pressure cook them. Next, put the patoli ingredients in a blender and blend it to a coarse paste.

Next put a frying pan (make sure it's wide enough to saute the mixture properly), put oil and the tadka ingredients. When the seeds start to splutter, add the beans first and fry for a minute and then add the patoli mixture. Keep frying for a few minutes until the mixture turns to a crispy golden brown texture. Switch off the flame and mouth watering patoli is all yours !!

This tastes good when accompanied with rotis or with plain rice and rasam.

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